first dates
I went on a horrible date yesterday.
Or maybe it was just TOO GOOD to ever have a second date.
...Nah, it was just a really bad date.
First of all, if you tell me you don't know what pho is and I say I'm going to bring you to eat pho, and you say okay, THEN ORDER PHO WHEN WE GO OUT TO EAT PHO. This guy orders some where dish because he says he doesn't want "soup" because he was too hungry and it wouldn't be filling enough. IT'S PHO. IT WILL FILL YOU UP.
Second, and this may be controversial, but if you ask me out on a date and I say no, but then you really want to "get to know me" or whatever, then at least pay. Like honestly, I'm not one of those girls who always expects guys to pay, and usually I would honestly prefer to pay for my own portion of the meal. But I didn't even want to go on this date in the first place, and the guy doesn't even offer to pay, and actually says, "How about I pay with my card and you just give me 6 bucks for your order." Uhm, okay. Thanks bro, for nothing.
Third, we are almost about to graduate college. Most seniors in college are already 21, and if not, then 21 is just around the corner. Being 21 means we can legally buy alcohol, so why are you talking about drinking alcohol has if you're some kind of rebel? It's legal dude, we're not in high school anymore. Also, what makes you think I'd be attracted to your previous weed obsession? I know people smoke up, do drugs, and whatever else floats their boat, but again, it's just so high school to flaunt it like you're some kind of social miscreant.
No more dates for me! >:O
Written on Friday, November 4, 2011 at 12:43 AM
by tini