I always dread sharing the second half of my testimony.
Written on Tuesday, January 10, 2012 at 8:53 PM by tini

the rest of my new year's resolutions

1. Seek God
2. Love more, be forgiving
3. Be Disciplined
4. Eat Healthy
5. Exercise
6. Drink water
7. Save money
8. Cook more
9. Sleep early, wake early
10. Don't be late
11. Be organized
12. Clean often

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Written on Monday, January 9, 2012 at 7:43 AM by tini


Today is the first day of my second to last term at Drexel. Oh, how the years flew by...not really. Actually, when I look back, I recall feelings of dread that I've felt during terms that seemed to never end and staying up late nights to finish projects that didn't even turn out the way I wanted them to. But even so, it's amazing how almost four years have passed since coming to college and I still feel exactly the same. Maybe I have a little more confidence and maybe I'm a little more stylish and a teensy bit friendlier, but I wonder exactly how I've grown. I feel like I even look the same as when I entered college.

Anyway. I'm pretty excited for this new term because most of my classes seem laid back. Not necessarily easy, and I'm taking the max amount of credits, but I feel like I can really do well this term and be able to be on top of everything I need to be. I feel like this is the term where I can be a better person. I've never been a fan of new year resolutions, mostly because I always fail at them, but, for 2012, my main resolution's are to seek God, love more and to have more discipline in my life.

I woke up pretty angry this morning because my roommate turned on the lights at 5am and it woke me up, and she didn't even get out of her bed. When she finally did, she went into the kitchen to do whatever and then to the bathroom to shower, and the whole time she left the bedroom lights on and I just kept thinking about how she was so inconsiderate. I even fb'd/tweeted about it. And after I did that, I just felt shame. Shame for being so quick to anger. I started to think about how frustrated I've been lately with some of my friends and how I've just been complaining a lot. I hate being cynical - it's no fun, and, honestly, it just brings everyone down. And I don't want to be a downer. If I learned to be more loving, maybe I wouldn't be so angry all the time, and could actually enjoy my life just a little bit more.


Written on at 7:29 AM by tini